Data Strategy & AI Adoption - Evolve by Hakoona

What if you could get started with your data strategy in weeks without endless workshops? Imagine that its development is self funded and that you can reduce your cost of ownership by up to 80%! Whether you are just beginning your data journey, or making the next step for your existing data capability, we can help you get rapid return on investment.

Embracing Data & AI

Developing a new Data & AI capability can be exhausting. The road to data maturity is paved with difficult choices and blurry requirements. The consequences of a wrong decision can be lasting and extensive. Every organisation is different. We will tailor your Data & AI roadmap just for your business needs.

Experience the full value of what data and AI can do for you - within just a couple of months. And in the meantime,we will discover and prototype strategic choices together, while building a solid foundation that will take your newborn data capability into the future without making it a major cost center. Our unique methodology removes big loaded decisions from the critical path, and allows you to figure out the right approach to data & AI capabilities by learning and experimenting while delivering tangible business value at the same time.

The next evolution of your Data capability

Traditional data organisations experience many challenges. Many companies that score high on data maturity still experience data as a cost center, hard to monetise and hard to sell to the business. This is why initiatives like establishing Data Products and adopting Data Mesh, implementing Knowledge Graphs, or decentralizing data organisations are prevalent among the companies with established data capabilities.

Data mesh capabilities

What if you could embrace and monetize the whole body of knowledge and all the data available internally and within the industry, while at the same time eliminating large governance organisations, policy-driven compliance, and risks inherent to poor data literacy? What if instead of a standardised, maintenance-heavy data management practice you could have a business-literate data platform that enables everyone in the organisation to seamlessly discover and safely use all its data and knowledge? What if you could break out of the business silos without breaking them?

Achieve the ultimate Data Vision: enabling everyone in the organisation to discover and understand business knowledge, trace it to the data, and use that data in a safe, compliant, and ethical manner to generate new knowledge. No disturbance to your running business. No one size fits none standards. No heavy governance. No ivory tower data architecture. Your business-literate data organisation will give you the ultimate competitive advantage.