We enable business opportunities through data.
Jumpstart Your Data Journey
Data Management
Data Compliance
AI & Data Science
We build your data utopia

What we do for you

We build your data foundation and create a holistic view of your organisation(s) while checking the boxes on your business strategy roadmap.

Relying on our registered methodology and accelerators, our experts will work with you to turn your data into business value. Achieve your data goals by starting small, showing value quickly, and growing sustainably.

Ambition to reality

We are here to help you realize your strategic ambitions with quick tangible result, low risk, and no disturbance to your running business or systems. Pragmatic, value first, and prototype-driven: this is the Hakoona signature methodology, that makes your initiatives both self-sponsoring and sustainable into the future.

Our methodology, born out of an international ThinkTank, is based on over 200 manyears of research and real-life application in large multinational companies. Today, Hakoona is bringing it to you.

What our clients have to say

“The Hakoona method - combining prototype-driven strategy, embedding of quick wins, and unique approach to understanding data - is what this market needs in times of turbulence.”

Operational Excellence and Digitalization Lead, European Chemical Company

"From a troubled program stuck on data to fully interoperable business silos in 5 weeks; a Hakoona miracle that saved our Supply Chain Digital Transformation program! The methodology Hakoona carries enables their team to quickly understand and break down very complex business and technical challenges, put them into context and propose viable solutions. This ability to scope and solve complex problems really helped us to move forward in our thinking.”

Chief Product Owner, Supply Chain, Global Energies Company