Data compliance

Data Compliance ensures your data is managed in accordance with regulations - such as GDPR - and your internal requirements for safe and ethical data handling.

Lack of data compliance can result in serious liabilities, reputational damages, and even removal of licence to operate.

Data Compliance requires Information Architecture, Metadata Management, Retention and Archiving policies, and Data Governance.

We will help you enforce and demonstrate safe and compliant data handling:

We can simplify and automate your data compliance. Shift your focus from worrying about your data to monetising it.

How we do it

Our methodology and accelerators offer a simple way to capture and track Regulatory, Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, and ethical handling requirements, and automate the tagging.

We will enable your Business Experts to own and maintain data compliance, simplifying Data Governance and reducing the Total Cost of data ownership.